Profile for lumaeris

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Lumaeris :lumaerisicon:

About lumaeris


Lumaeris - literally means «You'll shine!» 🌟🏳️‍⚧️

Web developer & music artist
Call me Jill! My pronouns are she/they. I speak Russian (RU-n) and English (EN-2).
This isn't my first time on the Fediverse, I've had several accounts on different instances on Mastodon, and am currently using/testing GoToSocial on my server.

I'll do a proper #introduction post when I resume creating my content. For now I mostly repost what I found funny and interesting.



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... aaand I migrated to my very own instance! :blobcatnormal:
This is something I've been waiting for a long time, ever since I found out #GoToSocial existed. Recently in v0.15.0-rc1 they added the initial implementation of Move activity, and although it's too risky to do the migration, it worked just fine for me (as it did for other GtS instance holders). I'm literally storing my data now =)

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If I am ever asked what is the most advanced video made on Olive Video Editor, I will simply refer to this video shown in the screenshot: (‼️CW!!!: flashing image, cursing)
This lyrical video shows what Olive (pre-0.2) can do with third-party effects which can be found on GitHub. While it's not the most advanced as it could be achieved on MAGIX Vegas Pro w/ effects (see the last video from the same author), it's still done very well! It makes me want to do something similar myself! :neofoxscience:

#OliveEditor #OliveVideoEditor #VideoEditor #Lyrics #Dubstep

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After 15+ days of using GoToSocial, my database file started weighing almost half a gigabyte.
... Should I be worried? :neofoxthinking:
Sure, I need to unsubscribe from some hashtags but that won't magically reduce the file size. I'd like to see a cleanup of remote posts, similar to media cleanup.

#GoToSocial #GoToSocialAdmin

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... aaand I migrated to my very own instance! :blobcatnormal:
This is something I've been waiting for a long time, ever since I found out #GoToSocial existed. Recently in v0.15.0-rc1 they added the initial implementation of Move activity, and although it's too risky to do the migration, it worked just fine for me (as it did for other GtS instance holders). I'm literally storing my data now =)

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